Animal Altar, Healing City III / Work / Performance-art / Healing-city-series / Animal-altar-healing-city-series-3

Animal Altar

Healing City Series 3

Date: June 12, 2022
Address: Purple Space, Chengdu
Artist: Cang Xin
Duration: 60 minutes
Process of the performance: 33 volunteers were invited to wear chef's clothes with magic spells written on them and walk in turn to the four-sided platform, in front of each platform there was a chopping board with various social languages on it, on the chopping board there was a fresh cow heart, the participants cut the heart with chopping knives engraved with social words, the artist stood on the grill in the middle and grilled the heart, as the participants cut the heart and cow bones, the artist lit the wood placed on the ground, the work was completed. Finally the artist pierces his own tongue with a needle and the work is completed.

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